Technical College of the Lowcountry’s marketing department has been honored with two National Council for Marketing and Public Relations (NCMPR) Medallion Awards.
TCL received a gold Medallion for its 2022 State of the College report and a bronze Medallion for its program flyers. The awards, chosen from nearly 300 entries, recognize excellence in design and communication at community and technical colleges at the district level.
“We are excited to be recognized by our peers and other marketing professionals from around the southeast,” TCL Assistant Vice President for Marketing Leigh Copeland said. “We love what we do and hope our marketing materials help encourage more people to take advantage of the great opportunities here at TCL.”
TCL marketing staff members are Copeland, Mark Rand, graphic artist, and Mindy Lucas, public relations specialist.
The awards were presented at the NCMPR Medallion Awards Ceremony at the District 2 Fall Conference in St. Petersburg, Florida, on October 24. TCL is a member of NCMPR District 2, which includes 11 southeastern states – Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia – as well as Bermuda, British Virgin Islands and The Bahamas.
The National Council for Marketing & Public Relations (NCMPR) is the leading professional development association exclusively serving those working in communication at two-year community and technical colleges.