Welcome! Let’s get started.
The TCL Admissions Team is standing by to assist you in the application and enrollment process. The process, though, is built around you and your student type. Therefore, please see the list below for more specific instructions. A good place to start is by completing the online Admissions Application. Apply FREE online anytime.
Need to schedule an appointment? Download the Navigate app or visit http://tcl.navigate.eab.com/
Beaufort Mather Campus Admissions Appointments: https://tcl.campus.eab.com/pal/JYMGnvwUbb
New River Campus Admissions Appointments: https://tcl.campus.eab.com/pal/dCIHA2AIaa
Hampton Campus Admissions Appointments: https://tcl.campus.eab.com/pal/lfO1hi1AVq
Appointments may be scheduled in-person or virtually using the links above.
Registration Guide

Everything you need to know about enrollment and registration can be found in our Enrollment & Registration guide. Download the pdf now! (Printed copies will be arriving soon to a campus near you.)
2024-2025 Enrollment & Registration Guide PDF.
Your Student Type
New Student
You are a new student if you are attending TCL for the first time, have not attended any other college, and want to enroll in a curriculum program to pursue an Associate Degree, Diploma, or Certificate. If this is you, submit your admissions application and then visit our steps to enrollment page for all the details.
Readmit Applicant
Have you attended TCL in the past but been out for three semesters or longer? That makes you a readmit applicant! Please start with the admissions application and then contact admissions regarding placement testing.
Transfer In Student
You are a transfer in student if you will be attending TCL for the first time but have attended another college before. Start with the admissions application, continue through the steps to enrollment and make sure you submit your official transcripts for all colleges from which you want to transfer credits.
Transient Student
You are a transient student if you are currently pursuing a degree at another institution and planning to enroll at TCL to take classes toward your degree. Students are not eligible to receive financial aid at more than one institution for any one term. Please visit tcl.edu/transient for enrollment information.
Military, Veterans, and Dependents
All military, dependents, and veterans can start by completing the TCL admissions application. But since there are various paths and resources available to you, please visit our Military & Veterans page for more information about the enrollment process and financial aid information.
Dual Enrollment
If you attend high school in Beaufort, Colleton, Hampton, and Jasper counties or you are a home schooled student, you may be eligible to enroll in TCL’s Dual Enrollment program. Learn more about the program and process here.
Early High School Graduate
Are you a high school senior graduating in December or January who wants to enroll at TCL for the Spring semester? See tcl.edu/early for enrollment details.
You are an undecided student if you have not chosen an academic program at TCL or are not sure if you want to earn an Associate Degree, Diploma, or Certificate. TCL’s Admissions Counselors can help you choose a program of study or advise you towards a career goal. Call or Text the admissions office at 843-525-8207 or email admissions@tcl.edu.
Note: Students who are undecided are not eligible for financial aid or lottery tuition assistance.
International Student
An international student is an individual who would like to enroll at TCL on an F-1 Visa and who is not an immigrant (permanent resident), undocumented immigrant, or refugee. See tcl.edu/international for details.
You are a non-degree seeking student if you want to enroll in credit courses but don’t seek to earn an Associate Degree, Diploma, or Certificate. You must be at least 18 years old or have a GED or high school diploma and must complete a placement test.
Please note: Non-degree students are not eligible for financial aid, veterans’ benefits or SC lottery tuition assistance. Call or Text the Admissions Office at 843-525-8207 for more information.
If you want to audit a curriculum class without earning credit, submit an admissions application. You will have to pay full tuition for the class(es) and must get departmental approval to audit classes that have prerequisites of testing requirements. Some courses cannot be audited. Please keep in mind that you do not receive credit for the class, and you are not eligible for financial aid.
Senior Citizen
Senior citizens (60 years or older) who have been a legal resident of South Carolina for at least 12 months may be eligible to attend classes tuition free on a space-available basis. Senior citizens are responsible for paying all other fees and costs associated with course. You will need to submit an admissions application and then complete your registration with your faculty advisor. After registration, applicants must submit a Senior Citizen Tuition Waiver and proof of eligibility to have the waiver applied. Call 843.525.8337 for more information.
Continuing Education Student
If you are looking for non-credit, continuing education classes, workforce license or personal enrichment, visit the Continuing Education page now.