Beginning immediately, masks will be required for all individuals while indoors on TCL campuses.
This includes employees, students, visitors and vendors, whether vaccinated or unvaccinated.

This policy applies to all indoor spaces on TCL’s campuses unless working alone in a private office. Masks may be removed temporarily for eating or drinking. Masks are not mandatory outside but are strongly encouraged when groups are gathering.
TCL plans to evaluate the situation at regular intervals as the semester progresses to determine a safe end date for the mandate.
Other important guidelines to know:
- TCL will provide masks and hand sanitizer at various locations on each of our campuses.
- TCL will continue to maintain a safe and sanitized environment by ensuring exceptional cleaning and disinfecting of spaces.
- TCL faculty members and students are encouraged to stay at least 3 feet apart when in classroom settings.
- Do not report to campus if you are feeling sick and/or have symptoms.
- Students should report any exposure they may have had to Rodney Adams at, (843) 525-8219, or Allison Canning at, (843) 525-8210.
- The college encourages all members of the TCL community to get vaccinated. We will not ask anyone to provide proof of their vaccination status. If you need assistance with locating a vaccine site, please consult the SCDHEC website,
Thank you for your cooperation in helping us to stay safe and combat the spread of COVID-19 and its variants. For additional information, please check TCL’s COVID information page frequently for important updates.