TCL Expressions

Express Yourself!

Last Edition’s Cover Art by Ambriance Lamar, Cybersecurity Student

TCL Expressions Third Edition, TCL’s 2025 college creative/literary journal, is seeking creative work from students, faculty, staff and alumni.

Submissions of short fiction, personal narrative essays, poetry, art (drawing, painting, digital, cartoon etc.), music (original song performance) and short videos will be considered. A committee of students, faculty and staff will choose the submissions to be featured next semester in the online publication.

Submissions will be received from now until March 31, 2025, and selected works will be displayed digitally at the end of this semester.

Important Notes About Formatting Submissions:



    • All copy should be submitted in final format without grammatical and/or spelling errors.

    • It should be free of style formatting and in Times New Roman 12 point font.

    • It should include a title, byline and program of study (students) or job title (faculty/staff).



    • Should be submitted as a JPEG file in hi-resolution (a minimum of 300 pixels per inch). For example, horizontal images should be at least 17 inches wide and vertical images sized at least 11 inches tall. (This will allow us to print the project.)

    • Vector files (from Illustrator, etc.) can be accepted at any size.

Submissions/questions: Contact Daniel Herrin at or Russ Keevy at

TCL Expressions Past Editions

See the past editions of TCL Expressions publication here.

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