Seems like everyone is “going green” these days. And while that’s certainly not a bad thing, the hard part is separating those who are truly putting forth an effort to educate and conserve from those who are more interested in appearing to be green.
At TCL, our green initiatives are not only an effort to educate students and the community about the benefits of conservation, but also to prepare those same people for a future that depends on environmental responsibility and “green collar” jobs. Have a look and see what we’ve been up to lately.
Alternative Energy Program at TCL
WSAV-TV (Savannah, GA)
A few years ago, the Technical College of the Lowcountry began their alternative energy program. Watch video here
Beaufort Builder Gives Former Professor Field-Use For Classroom WSAV-TV
Beaufort builder Billy Gavigan admits when it was time for college his grades just weren’t up to par to go to the four-year school of his choice. But he enrolled at the Technical College of the Lowcountry where he earned a 4.0 grade point average. That led to a scholarship to the Citadel. Now he’s found a way to give back to the teacher who helped him along. Full story and video here.
Builder ties donations, education to green-construction project in Beaufort Beaufort Gazette
Brad Pitt is helping to bring affordable “green” housing to New Orleans. Leonardo DiCaprio made headlines when he bought an apartment in an eco-friendly building in New York City. But Hollywood celebrities aren’t the only ones putting environmentally conscious building concepts to use. Gavigan Homes, part of the Spartan Group, showed off two homes under construction Wednesday in Live Oaks at Battery Creek. Read more here.
TCL receives $25,000 Geothermal Training Center grant
The Technical College of the Lowcountry was one of two Technical Colleges in the state that recently received a $25,000 grant from the S.C. Energy Office to establish a Geothermal Training Center. Greenville Technical College was the other recipient. Read full story here.
TCL’s landmark solar array dedicated
BLUFFTON, SC – Santee Cooper, Palmetto Electric Cooperative and the Technical College of the Lowcountry today dedicated a 20-kilowatt solar array at TCL’s New River Campus. The project is the largest solar installation in the Lowcountry and was made possible by South Carolinians who purchase Santee Cooper Green Power. Read full story here.

TCL taps changing tides of Beaufort River to generate energy
You’ve probably heard of wind and solar energy generation. But what about tidal power? The industrial technologies division at the Technical College of the Lowcountry certainly has. And now they’re creating it.
TCL is demonstrating the possibilities of tidal energy after installing an electrical generator in the Beaufort River. The river’s tidal swell, estimated at about eight feet, makes it an excellent location to study and harness the physical energy generated by the changing tides. Read full story here.
Prepare for the green technology wave — right here at TCL
TCL has launched a series of new and modified Industrial Technology programs that incorporate “green” LEED techniques. New certificates include managing green residential construction, indoor environmental quality, alternative energy construction and more. Many certificates can be completed in one semester. Click on the links below for a complete description of programs and courses and contact information by program. For general information, call 843-525-8238.
Building Construction
- Basic Residential Carpentry Certificate
- Finishing Electrician Certificate
- Foundations/Framing/Renovations Certificate
- Green Residential Construction Management Certificate
- Indoor Environmental Quality Certificate
- Plumbing Certificate
- Rough-In Electrician Certificate
Computer Assisted Design (CAD)
- Architectural Design Technician I Certificate
- Architectural Design Technician II Certificate
- Basic Design Technician Certificate
- Civil Design Technician Certificate
- Mechanical Design Technician Certificate
Civil Engineering Technology
- Civil Engineering Technology Degree
- Engineering Technology Preparation Certificate
- Engineering Surveying Certificate
- Civil Engineering Management Certificate
- Highway Engineering Certificate
Industrial Electronics Technology
- Alternative Energy Construction Certificate
Alternative Energy At TCL!
TCL is now offering a certificate for Alternative Energy Construction Technicians. Upon program completion, technicians will be able to install alternative forms of energy such as those produced by the sun, wind and tides.
TCL is also demonstrating the possibilities of tidal energy generation on a small scale on the Beaufort River, shown right, where a generator is being setup to use the water’s tidal motion to create a small amount of power for TCL. “The beauty of it is that it uses no fuel,” says Everett Feight, TCL Industrial Technologies Dean. “There’s no carbon footprint except for what it took to produce the items.”
Other GREEN News from TCL
TCL Instructors Earn LEED AP Certification
Three industrial technology instructors at the Technical College of the Lowcountry recently obtained the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Accredited Professional (AP) certification. Civil Engineering Technology Instructor Richard Eckstrom, Computer Aided Design (CAD) Instructor Hadi Hamid and Building Construction Technology Instructor Tim Newsome achieved their LEED AP credential through the U.S. Green Building Council testing program. Read more.
$86,000 Wal-Mart Foundation Grant Jumpstarts LEED/Green Program at TCL The Technical College of the Lowcountry (TCL) is one of only 20 community and technical colleges nationwide selected by the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) to participate in the Wal-Mart Workforce and Economic Opportunity Initiative. Each college will receive an $86,000 grant to partner with its local workforce development community to improve the community’s economic prosperity and help people live better. Read more.
The Future Is Bright for Green Jobs!
“The green building industry is a critical component of how we’re trying to shape our region both environmentally and economically. With help from TCL’s new programs, Beaufort County and the Lowcountry can become a hub for green building initiatives.” —Kim Statler, Executive Director of the Lowcountry Economic Network
By 2010, green employment is expected to reach 5.8 million jobs; by 2020, 6.9 million. Meanwhile, corresponding green-industry sales—including energy suppliers and consumer-products makers—are predicted to climb from $341 billion to $496 billion in 2020. Read more. —Workforce Management Online
Take a look at this YouTube video to learn more about the job options and career outlook for green professionals. The time is now!